from math import log, sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import numpy as np
from pyprot.base.aminoacid import AminoAcid
[docs]class GOR3:
Implements the GOR III secondary structure prediction algorithm.
Objects of this class must be trained with known examples of sequences and their structure
before being able to predict the structures of new sequences.
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.structures = "HETC"
self.roc = {(s, r): 0 for s in self.structures for r in ("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN")}
self.minScore, self.maxScore = 0, 0
self.scores = {(classifier, realS): [] for classifier in self.structures for realS in self.structures}
self.correctPred = 0
self.totalPred = 0
self.neighbourOffset = 8
self.trainings = 0 # Number of trainings (one per AA)
self.strucCount = {s: 0 for s in self.structures}
self.pairCount = {(s, a): 0 for s in self.structures for a in AminoAcid.getAllNames()}
self.tripletCount = {}
for s in self.structures:
for a in AminoAcid.getAllNames():
for na in AminoAcid.getAllNames(): # Neighbour AA
self.tripletCount[(s, a, na)] = 0
[docs] def train(self, sequence, structure):
Trains the system with a known example of a sequence and its structure.
self.trainings += len(sequence)
for index in range(len(sequence)):
curAminoacid = sequence[index]
curStructure = structure[index]
self.strucCount[curStructure] += 1
self.pairCount[(curStructure, curAminoacid)] += 1
for neiAminoacid in self.neighbourValues(sequence, index):
self.tripletCount[(curStructure, curAminoacid, neiAminoacid)] += 1
[docs] def predict(self, sequence, realStructure=None):
Returns the predicted structure of 'sequence', based on received training.
structure = [] # Result: predicted structure
# Predict structures for each aminoacid in sequence
for index in range(len(sequence)):
curAminoacid = sequence[index]
# First possible structure
predStructure = self.structures[0]
predScore = self.__getScore(sequence, index, predStructure)
# Other structures
for curStructure in self.structures[1:]:
curScore = self.__getScore(sequence, index, curStructure)
# Remember structure that gives best score
if curScore > predScore:
predStructure = curStructure
predScore = curScore
structure = "".join(structure)
if not realStructure is None:
self.__quality(sequence, structure, realStructure)
return structure
def __getScore(self, sequence, index, struct):
Returns I(deltaS, R) as defined by the GOR III algorithm.
aminoacid = sequence[index]
scoreTerms = []
score = self.pairCount[(struct, aminoacid)]
score /= sum(self.pairCount[(otherStruct, aminoacid)] for otherStruct in self.getStructures(struct))
score = (self.trainings - self.strucCount[struct]) / self.strucCount[struct]
for neiAminoacid in self.neighbourValues(sequence, index):
score = self.tripletCount[(struct, aminoacid, neiAminoacid)]
score /= sum(
self.tripletCount[(otherStruct, aminoacid, neiAminoacid)] for otherStruct in self.getStructures(struct))
score = sum(self.pairCount[(otherStruct, aminoacid)] for otherStruct in self.getStructures(struct))
score /= self.pairCount[(struct, aminoacid)]
return sum(log(s) for s in scoreTerms)
[docs] def neighbourOffsets(self):
for offset in range(-self.neighbourOffset, self.neighbourOffset + 1):
if offset != 0:
yield offset
[docs] def neighbourValues(self, sequence, index):
for offset in self.neighbourOffsets():
neiIndex = index + offset
if neiIndex >= 0 and neiIndex < len(sequence):
yield sequence[neiIndex]
[docs] def getStructures(self, exclude=None):
for s in self.structures:
if s != exclude:
yield s
def __quality(self, sequence, structure, reality):
self.totalPred += len(structure) # Total predictions
self.correctPred += sum([1 if s == r else 0 for s, r in zip(structure, reality)]) # Correct predictions
for index in range(len(sequence)):
scores = [self.__getScore(sequence, index, classifier) for classifier in self.structures]
maxScore = max(scores)
for classifier, score in zip(self.structures, scores):
realS = reality[index]
self.scores[(classifier, realS)].append(score)
self.minScore = score if score < self.minScore else self.minScore
self.maxScore = score if score > self.maxScore else self.maxScore
if score == maxScore: # Positive
if classifier == realS: # True
self.roc[(classifier, "TP")] += 1
else: # False
self.roc[(classifier, "FP")] += 1
else: # Negative
if classifier != realS: # True
self.roc[(classifier, "TN")] += 1
else: # False
self.roc[(classifier, "FN")] += 1
[docs] def getQuality(self):
tp = sum([self.roc[(c, "TP")] for c in self.structures])
tn = sum([self.roc[(c, "TN")] for c in self.structures])
fp = sum([self.roc[(c, "FP")] for c in self.structures])
fn = sum([self.roc[(c, "FN")] for c in self.structures])
mcc = (tp * tn - fp * fn) / sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn))
q3 = self.correctPred / self.totalPred
return q3, mcc
[docs] def plotROC(self):
for classifier in self.structures:
x, y = [], []
for threshold in np.arange(self.minScore, self.maxScore, 0.1):
tp, tn, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0
for realS in self.structures:
for score in self.scores[(classifier, realS)]:
if score >= threshold: # Positive
if classifier == realS: # True
tp += 1
else: # False
fp += 1
else: # Negative
if classifier != realS: # True
tn += 1
else: # False
fn += 1
tpr = tp / (tp + fn)
fpr = fp / (tn + fp)
print("----- Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve -----")
print("Classifier:", classifier)
auc = np.trapz(y, x) # Area Under Curve
print("AUC:", auc)
pyplot.title("Classifier " + classifier)
pyplot.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
pyplot.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
pyplot.plot([0, 1], [0, 1])
pyplot.plot(x, y)