Source code for pyprot.base.sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from pyprot.base.aminoacid import AminoAcid
[docs]class Sequence(list):
Represents a sequence of amino acids.
Inherits from list, and ensures all items are of type AminoAcid.
[docs] def __init__(self, aminoAcids=None, description=""):
Creates a Sequence object that represents the amino acid sequence contained in aminoAcids.
aminoAcids can be one of the following :
- None, meaning the Sequence is empty (default)
- an AminoAcid object
- a string of X AminoAcid short (uppercase) names or 1 AminoAcid name
- a list containing AminoAcid objects and/or strings of individual AminoAcid names
self._nameMode = "short" # the way in which AA names are displayed
self._separator = "" # how to separate AA names when displayed
self._description = description # description of the sequence
# if copy constructor, copy attributes
if isinstance(aminoAcids, Sequence):
self._nameMode = aminoAcids._nameMode
self._separator = aminoAcids._separator
if self._description == "":
self._description = aminoAcids._description
# format aminoAcids into a list of AminoAcid objects, and add it to list
def __formatList(aminoAcids):
"""Formats 'aminoAcids' into a list of AminoAcid objects."""
# No amino acids result in an empty list
if aminoAcids is None:
return []
# A single AminoAcid is copied and put within a list
elif isinstance(aminoAcids, AminoAcid):
return [AminoAcid(aminoAcids)] # Copy constructor
# A string is converted to a list, based on its
elif isinstance(aminoAcids, str):
if aminoAcids.isupper(): # Multiple Amino Acids in short name mode
return [AminoAcid(aa) for aa in aminoAcids]
else: # A single Amino Acid with any name mode
return [AminoAcid(aminoAcids)]
# A list is copied with all of its items converted to AminoAcid objects
elif isinstance(aminoAcids, list):
return [AminoAcid(aa) for aa in aminoAcids]
# No other supported types
raise TypeError("aminoAcids must be a Sequence, list, AminoAcid object, string or None")
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
"""String conversion"""
return self._separator.join([aa.getName(self._nameMode) for aa in self])
[docs] def setDescription(self, description):
"""Sets the base's description"""
self._description = description
[docs] def getDescription(self):
"""Returns the base's description."""
return self._description
[docs] def setNameMode(self, newMode):
"""Changes the name display mode to 'newMode'."""
if newMode in ("long", "medium", "short"):
self._nameMode = newMode
raise ValueError("newMode must be 'long', 'medium' or 'short'")
[docs] def setSeparator(self, newSep):
"""Changes the string that separates each displayed AminoAcid."""
self._separator = newSep
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Sets value for a slice of the sequence"""
list.__setitem__(self, key, AminoAcid(value))
[docs] def insert(self, index, aminoAcids):
Inserts aminoAcids into the base at index 'index'.
List objects will not be embedded as is, instead their items will be inserted in the same order, individually.
@param aminoAcids must be compatible with the Sequence constructor
@param index is the index at which aminoAcids is inserted
for aa in Sequence.__formatList(aminoAcids):
list.insert(self, index, aa)
index += 1
[docs] def extend(self, aminoAcids):
Extends the base by adding 'aminoAcids' at its end.
@param aminoAcids must be compatible with the Sequence constructor
list.extend(self, Sequence.__formatList(aminoAcids))