from math import sqrt, log
from pyprot.base.aminoacid import AminoAcid
from pyprot.base.sequence import Sequence
[docs]class ScoreMatrix:
Represents a scoring matrix, used to determine the score between two Amino Acids
[docs] def __init__(self, path="", description="", ignore=None):
Creates a Score object.
If 'path' is provided, loads the Score values from an iij file.
Otherwise, creates a Score for all possible AminoAcids with values 0.
self._description = description
self._ignore = Sequence(ignore)
self._matrix = []
self._aaOrder = {}
self._aaSequence = Sequence()
# If path is provided, load directly from iij file
if path != "":
with open(path, 'r') as file:
foundAAOrder = False # Have we found the line with the amino acid values and order yet?
for line in file:
if line[0] != "#": # Comments
if not foundAAOrder: # Read aa values and order
for aa in line.split():
self._aaOrder = {aa: index for aa, index in
zip(self._aaSequence, range(len(self._aaSequence)))}
foundAAOrder = True
else: # Read matrix values
self._matrix.append([int(v) for v in line.split()])
# Otherwise initialize matrix with 0
lineSize = 1
for aa in AminoAcid.getAllNames():
if AminoAcid(aa) not in self._ignore:
self._aaOrder[self._aaSequence[-1]] = lineSize - 1
self._matrix.append([0 for i in range(lineSize)])
lineSize += 1
# Representation
def __repr__(self):
sepSize = 4
result = ["---------- " + self._description + " ----------"]
for values, aa in zip(self._matrix, self._aaSequence):
tempstr = '{a!s:<{w}}'.format(a=aa, w=sepSize)
for value in values:
tempstr += '{v:<{w}}'.format(v=value, w=sepSize)
tempstr = " " * sepSize
for aa in self._aaSequence:
tempstr += '{a!s:<{w}}'.format(a=aa, w=sepSize)
return "\n".join(result)
# Scoring
[docs] def setScore(self, aa1, aa2, score):
Set the score assigned to AminoAcids 'aa1', 'aa2'.
id1 = self._aaOrder[aa1]
id2 = self._aaOrder[aa2]
if id1 > id2:
self._matrix[id1][id2] = score
self._matrix[id2][id1] = score
[docs] def getScore(self, aa1, aa2):
Get the score assigned to AminoAcids 'aa1', 'aa2'.
id1 = self._aaOrder[aa1]
id2 = self._aaOrder[aa2]
if id1 > id2:
return self._matrix[id1][id2]
return self._matrix[id2][id1]
# AA frequencies for complete UniProt database
uniprob = {
AminoAcid("Ala"): .0826,
AminoAcid("Gln"): .0393,
AminoAcid("Leu"): .0965,
AminoAcid("Ser"): .0660,
AminoAcid("Arg"): .0553,
AminoAcid("Glu"): .0674,
AminoAcid("Lys"): .0582,
AminoAcid("Thr"): .0535,
AminoAcid("Asn"): .0406,
AminoAcid("Gly"): .0708,
AminoAcid("Met"): .0241,
AminoAcid("Trp"): .0109,
AminoAcid("Asp"): .0546,
AminoAcid("His"): .0227,
AminoAcid("Phe"): .0386,
AminoAcid("Tyr"): .0292,
AminoAcid("Cys"): .0137,
AminoAcid("Ile"): .0593,
AminoAcid("Pro"): .0472,
AminoAcid("Val"): .0687,
[docs]class PSSM:
Position Specific Score Matrix.
Creates a profile for a series of aligned Sequences, and gives a score to each AA subsitution in a given column.
[docs] def __init__(self, description=""):
self.description = description
self.seqCount = 0 # total number of Sequences
self.size = None # all Sequences have the same size
self.aaDistribution = None # amino acid distribution
self.aaCount = None
self.gapPenalties = None
[docs] def add(self, Sequence):
# check Sequence size
if self.size is None:
self.size = len(Sequence)
self.aaDistribution = [{} for i in range(self.size)]
self.aaCount = [0 for i in range(self.size)]
self.gapPenalties = [0 for i in range(self.size + 1)]
assert (len(Sequence) == self.size)
# update amino acid count for each column
for index in range(self.size):
if not Sequence[index].isGap():
self.aaCount[index] += 1
self.aaDistribution[index][Sequence[index]] += 1
self.aaDistribution[index][Sequence[index]] = 1
# increase Sequence count
self.seqCount += 1
[docs] def getDescription(self):
return self.description
[docs] def getScore(self, aminoAcid, columnIndex):
# pseudocounts
alpha = self.aaCount[columnIndex] - 1
beta = sqrt(self.seqCount)
alphaplusbeta = alpha + beta
# random probability of amino acid
p_aa = uniprob[aminoAcid]
p_aa = 0.001
# evolutionary probability of amino acid
f_aa = self.aaDistribution[columnIndex][aminoAcid] / self.seqCount
f_aa = 0
q_aa = (alpha * f_aa + beta * p_aa) / alphaplusbeta
return log(q_aa / p_aa)
[docs] def getGapPenalty(self, columnIndex):
return self.gapPenalties[columnIndex]
[docs] def setGapPenalty(self, penalty, columnIndex=None):
if columnIndex is None:
for i in range(self.size):
self.gapPenalties[i] = penalty
self.gapPenalties[columnIndex] = penalty
def __len__(self):
return self.size
def __repr__(self):
for i in range(self.size):
for key, score in self.aaDistribution[i].items():
print(key, ": ", score, "(", self.getScore(key, i), ")", sep="", end=", ")