from math import log, ceil
from pyprot.base.aminoacid import AminoAcid
from import getSequencesFromFasta
from pyprot.align.score import ScoreMatrix
[docs]def belongs(outSequence, group, minMatches):
Returns True if there's at least 'minMatches' matches between outSequence and any sequence
from 'group'; False otherwise.
Size of all sequences is assumed to be equal.
for inSequence in group:
matches = 0
for i in range(len(outSequence)):
if outSequence[i] == inSequence[i]:
matches += 1
if matches >= minMatches: # As soon as a match is found
return True
return False
[docs]def makeGroupsFromFasta(path, requiredIdentityPercent):
Loads Sequences from file at 'path' and separate them in groups with an identity of
at least 'requiredIdentityPercent'.
Returns a list representing the groups as lists of Protein objects.
sequences = [seq for seq in getSequencesFromFasta(path)]
groups = [[sequences[0]]] # First sequence is assigned to first group
seqSize = len(sequences[0]) # Size of the sequences
# Number of matches required to achieve requiredIdentityPercent
minMatches = ceil((requiredIdentityPercent / 100) * seqSize)
# For each outSequence not yet in a group
for outSequence in sequences[1:]:
groupFound = False # has a group been found ?
groupIndex = 0 # index of the group we're looking in
# Look for a group where outSequence belongs
while (not groupFound) and groupIndex < len(groups):
if belongs(outSequence, groups[groupIndex], minMatches):
groupFound = True
groupIndex += 1 # Move on to next group
# If no group works, create a new one
if not groupFound:
return groups
[docs]def valueDictsFromGroups(groups):
Transforms each group from 'groups' into a list of dictionaries, one for each Protein column.
The dictionaries map each AminoAcid found in that column to their count.
Returns the list of dictionaries and a list of the size (in Sequences) of their groups.
seqSize = len(groups[0][0])
groupCount = len(groups)
groupValues = []
groupSizes = []
for group in groups: # For each group
groupAAs = []
groupSize = len(group) # Size of group (n sequences)
for col in range(seqSize): # For each column
groupCol = {}
for seq in group: # For each sequence in group
groupCol[seq[col]] += 1 # Increment count
groupCol[seq[col]] = 1
return groupValues, groupSizes
[docs]def getFrequencies(groupValues, groupSizes):
Evaluates the frequencies of AminoAcids within columns of groups in 'groupValues'.
Frequencies are weighted according to group sizes in 'groupSizes'.
Returns two dictionaries and a number:
-'freqPairs' maps pairs of AminoAcids to their frequencies
-'freqSingle' maps single AminoAcids to their frequencies
-'freqSum' is the sum of all frequencies
seqSize = len(groupValues[0]) # Size of the Sequences
groupCount = len(groupSizes) # Number of groups
freqPairs = {} # frequencies of amino acid pairs (fAB)
# Frequencies of single amino acids (fA)
freqSingle = {AminoAcid(aa): 0 for aa in AminoAcid.getAllNames()}
freqSum = 0 # Sum of frequencies sum(fAB)
for col in range(seqSize): # Each column
for groupAIndex in range(groupCount - 1): # Each groupA
groupA = groupValues[groupAIndex]
groupASize = groupSizes[groupAIndex]
for groupBIndex in range(groupAIndex + 1, groupCount): # Each further groupB
groupB = groupValues[groupBIndex]
groupBSize = groupSizes[groupBIndex]
for aaA, aaACount in groupA[col].items(): # Each AA from groupA
aaAFreq = aaACount / groupASize # Its frequency within groupA
for aaB, aaBCount in groupB[col].items(): # Each AA from groupB
aaBFreq = aaBCount / groupBSize # Its frequency within groupB
aaPairFreq = aaAFreq * aaBFreq # Pair frequency
freqSum += aaPairFreq # Sum of all frequencies
freqSingle[aaA] += aaPairFreq / 2
freqSingle[aaB] += aaPairFreq / 2
# Index is unique to this pair
pairIndex = (aaA, aaB) if aaA > aaB else (aaB, aaA)
freqPairs[pairIndex] += aaPairFreq
freqPairs[pairIndex] = aaPairFreq
return freqPairs, freqSingle, freqSum
[docs]def sumFrequenciesToProb(freqPairsList, freqSingleList, freqSumList):
Sums all frequencies in provided lists, and transforms them to probabilities according
to the sum of frequencies found in 'freqSumList'.
fSum = sum(freqSumList) # Absolute sum of all frequencies
probPairs, probSingle = {}, {} # Probabilities for pairs and single AAs
for freqPairs, freqSingle in zip(freqPairsList, freqSingleList):
for key, value in freqPairs.items():
# Sum all frequencies for matching AA pairs, divided by fSum
probPairs[key] += value / fSum
probPairs[key] = value / fSum
for key, value in freqSingle.items():
# Sum all frequencies for matching AAs, divided by fSum
probSingle[key] += value / fSum
probSingle[key] = value / fSum
return probPairs, probSingle
[docs]def blosumFromProbabilities(probPairs, probSingle, requiredIdentityPercent):
Fills and returns a Score according to the BLOSUM algorithm, from the probabilities
of AA pairs and singletons provided in 'probPairs' and 'probSingle'.
# Create empty Score, ignoring AAs B,Z,J,U,O
scoreMatrix = ScoreMatrix("", "BLOSUM{}".format(requiredIdentityPercent), "BZJUO")
for key, qAB in probPairs.items():
# qAB is the evolutionary probability of the AA pair (A,B)
aaA, aaB = key # Both amino acids
pA, pB = probSingle[aaA], probSingle[aaB] # Their single probabilities
# eAB is the random probability of the AA pair (A, B) given their single probabilities
eAB = pA * pA if aaA == aaB else 2 * pA * pB
# The BLOSUM score for this pair is the log-odds-ratio of evolutionary and random prob.
sAB = int(round(2 * log(qAB / eAB, 2)))
scoreMatrix.setScore(aaA, aaB, sAB) # Fill the matrix
return scoreMatrix
[docs]def blosumFromFasta(requiredIdentityPercent, *filepaths):
Creates and returns a ScoreMatrix for all sequences in the provided 'filepaths',
using the BLOSUM approach with an identity of at least 'requiredIdentityPercent'.
Each file is grouped independently and only then their weighted probabilities are merged.
:param requiredIdentityPercent:
:param filepaths:
# Results for each different files are first stored in lists
freqPairsList, freqSingleList, freqSumList = [], [], []
for path in filepaths: # for each .fasta file
groups = makeGroupsFromFasta(path, requiredIdentityPercent) # groups
groupValues, groupSizes = valueDictsFromGroups(groups) # groups as dicts
freqPairs, freqSingle, freqSum = getFrequencies(groupValues, groupSizes) # frequencies
freqPairsList.append(freqPairs) # Append results
# Merge (sum) results together
probPairs, probSingle = sumFrequenciesToProb(freqPairsList, freqSingleList, freqSumList)
# Create the BLOSUM matrix
blosum = blosumFromProbabilities(probPairs, probSingle, requiredIdentityPercent)