from copy import deepcopy
from pyprot.base.sequence import Sequence
[docs]class Aligned:
Represents two aligned Sequences with some metadata about the alignment.
Alignments can be two-sequences alignments or multiple sequence alignments.
[docs] def __init__(self, seqA, seqB, seqAStart, seqBStart, alignType, alignScore, scoreMatrix, isMultiple=False):
assert (len(seqA) == len(seqB))
# seqA is always a Sequence, seqB can be a list of ints (if MSA)
self.seqA = seqA if isinstance(seqA, Sequence) else seqB
self.seqB = seqB if isinstance(seqA, Sequence) else seqA
self.seqInter = [] # Sequence separators (.: )
self.seqAStart = seqAStart if isinstance(seqA, Sequence) else seqBStart
self.seqBStart = seqBStart if isinstance(seqA, Sequence) else seqAStart
self.size = len(self.seqA)
self.alignType = alignType # Options used for alignemnt
self.alignScore = round(alignScore, 2) # Score of alignment
self.isMultiple = isMultiple # Is this a M.S.A ?
self.pssmDescription = None
if self.isMultiple:
self.pssmDescription = scoreMatrix.getDescription()
self.condensed = False # When true, aligned Sequences are not displayed
self.chunkSize = 80 # Used for display
self.sizeIndic = 20 # Same
self.identity = 0 # Identity (same AAs)
self.gaps = 0 # Gap count (either AA is a gap)
self.seqAGaps = 0
self.seqBGaps = 0
self.similarity = 0 # Similarity (positive score between AAs)
if self.isMultiple:
for aa in self.seqA:
if aa.isGap():
self.gaps += 1
self.seqAGaps += 1
for aa1, aa2 in zip(self.seqA, self.seqB):
if aa1.isGap() or aa2.isGap():
if aa1.isGap():
self.seqAGaps += 1
self.seqBGaps += 1
self.seqInter.append(" ")
self.gaps += 1
elif aa1 == aa2:
self.identity += 1
elif scoreMatrix.getScore(aa1, aa2) >= 0:
self.similarity += 1
self.seqInter.append(" ")
self.seqAEnd = self.seqAStart + len(self.seqA) - self.seqAGaps
self.seqBEnd = self.seqBStart + len(self.seqB) - self.seqBGaps
[docs] def getBottomSequence(self):
return self.seqB
def __repr__(self):
Object representation.
res = []
if self.isMultiple:
res.append("---------- Multi-Seq. Alignment ----------")
res.append("---------- Alignment ----------")
res.append("Size : " + str(self.size))
res.append("Type : " + self.alignType)
res.append("Score : " + str(self.alignScore))
if not self.isMultiple:
res.append("Identity : " + str(self.identity) \
+ " ({0:.2f}%)".format(100 * (self.identity / len(self.seqA))))
res.append("Similarity : " + str(self.similarity) \
+ " ({0:.2f}%)".format(100 * (self.similarity / len(self.seqA))))
res.append("Gaps : " + (str(self.gaps) if self.gaps > 0 else "None"))
if self.isMultiple:
res.append("PSSM : " + self.pssmDescription)
res.append("Aligned seq. : " + self.seqA.getDescription())
res.append("\t" + str(self.seqAGaps) + " Gaps, " + str(self.size - self.seqAGaps) +
" AAs (positions " + str(self.seqAStart) + " to " + str(self.seqAEnd) + ")")
res.append("Upper seq. : " + self.seqA.getDescription())
res.append("\t" + str(self.seqAGaps) + " Gaps, " + str(self.size - self.seqAGaps) +
" AAs (positions " + str(self.seqAStart) + " to " + str(self.seqAEnd) + ")")
res.append("Lower seq. : " + self.seqB.getDescription())
res.append("\t" + str(self.seqBGaps) + " Gaps, " + str(self.size - self.seqBGaps) +
" AAs (positions " + str(self.seqBStart) + " to " + str(self.seqBEnd) + ")")
if self.condensed:
return "\n".join(res)
listA, listB, listI = [], [], []
maxALen, maxBLen = 0, 0
seqAPos, seqBPos = self.seqAStart, self.seqBStart
seqANextPos, seqBNextPos = seqAPos, seqBPos
for index in range(self.size):
a = self.seqA[index]
if not a.isGap():
seqANextPos += 1
maxALen = max(len(str(a)), maxALen)
if not self.isMultiple:
b = self.seqB[index]
if not b.isGap():
seqBNextPos += 1
maxBLen = max(len(str(b)), maxBLen)
if index != 0 and (index % self.chunkSize == 0 or index == len(self.seqA) - 1):
for i in range(maxALen - 1, -1, -1):
res.append("".join([s[-i - 1] if len(s) > i else " " for s in listA]))
if not self.isMultiple:
for i in range(maxBLen):
res.append("".join([s[i] if len(s) > i else " " for s in listB]))
listA, listB, listI = [], [], []
maxALen, maxBLen = 0, 0
seqAPos, seqBPos = seqANextPos, seqBNextPos
return "\n".join(res)
[docs]class Align:
Represents an alignment matrix, used to determine the alignment score between two Sequences
[docs] def __init__(self, scoreMatrix):
Creates an AlignMatrix object that uses scoreMatrix as a scoring system between amino acids.
self._scoreMatrix = scoreMatrix # scoring matrix to use
self._colSeq = None # copies of Sequences to align
self._rowSeq = None
self._alignMatrix = None # Used for alignment scores between Sequences
self._rowGapMatrix = None # used for affine gap penalty
self._colGapMatrix = None
self._originMatrix = None # Used for backtracking purposes
self._alignMode = "" # Align mode (global, semiglobal, local)
self._isSuboptimal = False # Is the alignment subobtimal ?
self._isMultiple = False # Is the alignment done against multiple Sequences at once ?
self._resultCount = None # The number of expected results
self._subOptimalDepth = None
self._maxAlignScore = 0 # Maximum score
self._currentAlignScore = 0 # Score for this alignment
self._maxScoreRows = [] # Index of maximum values from _alignMatrix
self._maxScoreCols = []
self._currentAlignPath = []
self._bestAlignPath = [] # Sequence of origins for alignment with best score
self._allAlignPaths = [] # all Sequences of origins for alignments with best scores
self._iniGapPenalty = 0 # Initial gap penalty
self._extGapPenalty = 0 # Extended gap penalty
self._alignedRowSeq = None # Aligned Sequences (result of alignment)
self._alignedColSeq = None
[docs] def globalAlign(self, seqA, seqB, iniGapPenalty=1, extGapPenalty=None, semiGlobal=False, resultCount=-1):
Returns all best global alignment between 'seqA' and 'seqB' with the provided
initial and extended gap penalties.
If 'semiGlobal' is True, allows alignment to discard the start and end of either Sequence.
(this allows for better alignments when Sequences overlap only partially)
if semiGlobal:
self._alignMode = "semiglobal"
self._alignMode = "global"
self._resultCount = resultCount
# Initialize all data structures
self.__initialize(seqA, seqB, iniGapPenalty, extGapPenalty)
# Align in global mode, from the bottom right
if self._alignMode == "global":
self._currentAlignScore = self._alignMatrix[-1][-1]
yield from self.__align(len(self._rowSeq), len(self._colSeq))
self._currentAlignScore = self._maxAlignScore
for row, col in zip(self._maxScoreRows, self._maxScoreCols):
yield from self.__align(row, col)
[docs] def localAlign(self, seqA, seqB, iniGapPenalty=1, extGapPenalty=None, resultCount=1, subOptimalDepth=0):
Returns n best local alignment between 'seqA' and 'seqB' with the provided
initial and extended gap penalties, where n equals 'resultCount' (-1 for all).
If 'subOptimalDepth' equals m, looks for m best suboptimal alignments as well.
self._alignMode = "local"
# Initialize all data structures
self.__initialize(seqA, seqB, iniGapPenalty, extGapPenalty)
# Number of expected results for each max. score
self._resultCount = resultCount
# Align in local mode, from the maximum value (optimal)
self._currentAlignScore = self._maxAlignScore
for row, col in zip(self._maxScoreRows, self._maxScoreCols):
yield from self.__align(row, col) # Results
# If suboptimal alignments are requested
self._subOptimalDepth = 0
while subOptimalDepth != 0:
self._isSuboptimal = True
subOptimalDepth -= 1
self._subOptimalDepth += 1
self.__clearBestPath() # Reevalute scores with best alignment reset to 0
# Number of expected results for each max. score
self._resultCount = resultCount
# Align in local mode, from the new maximum value (sub-optimal)
self._currentAlignScore = self._maxAlignScore
for row, col in zip(self._maxScoreRows, self._maxScoreCols):
yield from self.__align(row, col)
[docs] def multiAlign(self, Sequence, resultCount=1, subOptimalDepth=3):
Returns n best local M.S.A. of 'Sequence' against the ScoreMatrix (which must be
position-specific and provide gap penalties) where n equals 'resultCount' (-1 for all).
If 'subOptimalDepth' equals m, looks for m best suboptimal alignments as well.
self._isMultiple = True
colSeq = [i for i in range(len(self._scoreMatrix))]
yield from self.localAlign(colSeq, Sequence, 0, None, resultCount, subOptimalDepth)
def __initialize(self, seqA, seqB, iniGapPenalty, extGapPenalty):
Sets all initial values for required data structures.
# Sequences
if len(seqA) == 0 or len(seqB) == 0:
raise ValueError("Sequences to align cannot be empty")
self._colSeq = seqA
self._rowSeq = seqB
# Alignments
self._isSuboptimal = False
self._subOptimalDepth = 0
self._alignedRowSeq = Sequence()
if self._isMultiple:
# In MSA (align with PSSM) there is no column Sequence
self._alignedColSeq = []
self._alignedColSeq = Sequence()
self._maxAlignScore = 0 # Maximum score found while aligning
self._maxScoreRows = [] # Rows of maximum score
self._maxScoreCols = [] # Columns of maximum score
self._currentAlignPath = [] # indexes of the current alignment
self._bestAlignPath = [] # indexes of the alignment with the best score
# Gap penalties
self._iniGapPenalty = iniGapPenalty
self._extGapPenalty = iniGapPenalty if extGapPenalty is None else extGapPenalty
# Matrices
self._alignMatrix = [[0 for i in range(len(self._colSeq) + 1)] \
for j in range(len(self._rowSeq) + 1)]
self._rowGapMatrix = deepcopy(self._alignMatrix)
self._colGapMatrix = deepcopy(self._alignMatrix)
self._originMatrix = [["" for i in range(len(self._colSeq) + 1)] \
for j in range(len(self._rowSeq) + 1)]
# Global alignment : first line and colunm have initial scores and origins
if self._alignMode == "global":
# Fill all matrices
for row in range(1, len(self._rowSeq) + 1):
for col in range(1, len(self._colSeq) + 1):
self.__fill(row, col)
# Find best scores
def __initAlignValues(self):
for i in range(1, max(len(self._colSeq), len(self._rowSeq)) + 1):
val = self._iniGapPenalty + self._extGapPenalty * (i - 1)
if i <= len(self._colSeq): # First row
self._alignMatrix[0][i] = val
self._rowGapMatrix[0][i] = val
self._colGapMatrix[0][i] = val
self._originMatrix[0][i] = "L" # Origin is left
if i <= len(self._rowSeq): # First column
self._alignMatrix[i][0] = val
self._rowGapMatrix[i][0] = val
self._colGapMatrix[i][0] = val
self._originMatrix[i][0] = "T" # Origin is top
def __fill(self, row, col):
Calculates the score for matrix values at row 'row' and column 'col'.
# Row gap matrix
if self._isMultiple:
self._rowGapMatrix[row][col] = self._scoreMatrix.getGapPenalty(col)
initialGapScore = self._alignMatrix[row - 1][col] + self._iniGapPenalty
extendedGapScore = self._rowGapMatrix[row - 1][col] + self._extGapPenalty
self._rowGapMatrix[row][col] = max(initialGapScore, extendedGapScore)
# Column gap matrix
if self._isMultiple:
self._colGapMatrix[row][col] = self._scoreMatrix.getGapPenalty(col - 1)
initialGapScore = self._alignMatrix[row][col - 1] + self._iniGapPenalty
extendedGapScore = self._colGapMatrix[row][col - 1] + self._extGapPenalty
self._colGapMatrix[row][col] = max(initialGapScore, extendedGapScore)
# Align matrix
deleteScore = self._rowGapMatrix[row][col]
insertScore = self._colGapMatrix[row][col]
matchScore = self._alignMatrix[row - 1][col - 1] + \
self._scoreMatrix.getScore(self._rowSeq[row - 1], self._colSeq[col - 1])
maxScore = 0
if self._alignMode == "local": # Local alignment
self._alignMatrix[row][col] = maxScore = max(insertScore, deleteScore, matchScore, 0)
else: # Global alignment
self._alignMatrix[row][col] = maxScore = max(insertScore, deleteScore, matchScore)
# Origin matrix
if insertScore == maxScore:
self._originMatrix[row][col] += "L"
if matchScore == maxScore:
self._originMatrix[row][col] += "D"
if deleteScore == maxScore:
self._originMatrix[row][col] += "T"
def __clearBestPath(self):
Resets all scores from the first best alignment and then reevaluates the affected scores.
A new maximum score will be found from these, allowing for new alignment lookups.
# Clear scores from best align path
for row, col in self._bestAlignPath:
self._alignMatrix[row][col] = 0 # Reset scores
self._colGapMatrix[row][col] = 0
self._rowGapMatrix[row][col] = 0
self._originMatrix[row][col] = ""
# Reevaluate scores for further rows and columns (affected values)
row, col = self._bestAlignPath[-1]
for furtherRow in range(row, len(self._rowSeq) + 1):
for furtherCol in range(col, len(self._colSeq) + 1):
if (furtherRow, furtherCol) not in self._allAlignPaths:
self._originMatrix[furtherRow][furtherCol] = ""
self.__fill(furtherRow, furtherCol)
self._bestAlignPath = []
def __findBestScore(self):
self._maxAlignScore = -1
self._maxScoreCols = []
self._maxScoreRows = []
for row in range(1, len(self._rowSeq) + 1):
for col in range(1, len(self._colSeq) + 1):
score = self._alignMatrix[row][col]
if score > self._maxAlignScore: # New max alignment
self._maxAlignScore = score
self._maxScoreRows = [row]
self._maxScoreCols = [col]
elif score == self._maxAlignScore: # Same max alignment
def __align(self, i, j):
Yields all best alignments starting from row i and column j.
if self._resultCount == 0:
# Local alignments are complete when we reach a null score
# Global alignments are complete when we reach the beginning of the matrix
# Semiglobal alignments are complete when we reach an edge of the matrix
if (self._alignMode == "local" and self._alignMatrix[i][j] == 0) \
or (self._alignMode == "global" and i == 0 and j == 0) \
or (self._alignMode == "semiglobal" and (i == 0 or j == 0)):
alignDescription = self._alignMode + \
("-suboptimal" + "(" + str(self._subOptimalDepth) + ")") * self._isSuboptimal
# Create result (Sequence obj. for MSA, Aligned obj. otherwise)
if self._isMultiple:
result = Aligned(self._alignedColSeq,
Sequence(self._alignedRowSeq, self._rowSeq.getDescription()), j, i,
alignDescription, self._currentAlignScore, self._scoreMatrix, True)
result = Aligned(Sequence(self._alignedColSeq, self._colSeq.getDescription()),
Sequence(self._alignedRowSeq, self._rowSeq.getDescription()), j, i,
alignDescription, self._currentAlignScore, self._scoreMatrix, False)
# Remember first best alignment for subobtimal lookup
if self._bestAlignPath == []:
self._bestAlignPath = deepcopy(self._currentAlignPath)
self._resultCount -= 1
yield result
for origin in self._originMatrix[i][j]:
self._currentAlignPath.append((i, j))
if origin == "T": # top
self._alignedColSeq.insert(0, "-")
self._alignedRowSeq.insert(0, self._rowSeq[i - 1])
yield from self.__align(i - 1, j)
elif origin == "D": # diagonal
self._alignedColSeq.insert(0, self._colSeq[j - 1])
self._alignedRowSeq.insert(0, self._rowSeq[i - 1])
yield from self.__align(i - 1, j - 1)
elif origin == "L": # left
self._alignedColSeq.insert(0, self._colSeq[j - 1])
self._alignedRowSeq.insert(0, "-")
yield from self.__align(i, j - 1)
raise ValueError("Origin must be T (top), D (diagonal) or L (left)")
del self._alignedColSeq[0]
del self._alignedRowSeq[0]
# Representation
def __repr__(self):
Representation of the alignment matrix.
if self._colSeq is None:
return "No alignment done yet"
result = []
sepSize = 5
rep = {"": "", "L": "_ ", "D": " \\ ", "T": " |", "LD": "_\\ ", "DT": " \\ |", "LT": "_ |",
"LDT": "_\\ |"}
# Amino Acid column Sequence
result.append(" " * 2 * sepSize)
for aa in self._colSeq:
result[-1] += '{a!s:<{w}}'.format(a=aa, w=sepSize)
# First line of values (no amino acid)
result.append(" ")
for origin in self._originMatrix[0]:
result[-1] += '{o:>{w}}'.format(o=rep[origin], w=sepSize)
result.append(" " * sepSize)
for value in self._alignMatrix[0]:
result[-1] += '{v:<{w}}'.format(v=value, w=sepSize)
# Amino Acid line Sequence and values
for values, origins, aa in zip(self._alignMatrix[1:], self._originMatrix[1:], self._rowSeq):
result.append(" ")
for origin in origins:
result[-1] += '{o:>{w}}'.format(o=rep[origin], w=sepSize)
result[-1] += '{a!s:<{w}}'.format(a=aa, w=sepSize)
for value in values:
result[-1] += '{v:<{w}}'.format(v=value, w=sepSize)
return "\n".join(result)